The purpose of this article is to explain how isolved tracks ACA reporting for clients with Measurement Policies in place. This article will also outline ways that a client can become aware of employees with ACA changes. Important Note: Measurement Policies require configuration from the Employdrive teams, so clients should not assume that a Measurement Policy is in effect unless you have worked with the Employdrive Benefits team to complete the set up. Please reach out to with any questions.
How isolved manages the ACA Process
When measurement policies are in place, isolved automates the process of identifying employees who have completed a measurement period and changed ACA status. This change could be a move from ACA Variable (VAR) to ACA Full Time (FT) or, for someone who already was ACA FT from a prior Measurement, a move from ACA FT back down to ACA VAR. This is all based on the average hours worked during the measurement period. Note: The specific earnings being tracked here are set up during the Measurement period configuration.
Employment Category change
Each time payroll is processed, isolved looks to see if anyone completed a Measurement Period during the Pay Period that is being processed. If someone changed to ACA FT, isolved would add another Employment Category record to that Employee’s profile and add the checkmark for “Hours met for ACA Full Time Status”.
The “Effective Date” for the Employment Category change is the start date of the Stability period, which is 2/1/23 in the above example. Since the example above is someone going to ACA FT, then 2/1/23 would be when the employee is considered Full Time for benefit purposes. If the employee were going from ACA Full Time back to ACA Variable, this would be the day that the employee was no longer eligible for benefits.
Life Event added
A Life Event is also created automatically under the Employee’s record. The name of the Life Event is “ACA Employment Category Change” and the Event Date is the date the employee is eligible for Benefits. If a Benefits Enrollment period is set up to support the ACA Employment Category Change Life event, then this would help trigger the enrollment period for the Employee.
ACA Reporting
An easy way to see any changes at the time of payroll processing is to review the report “ACA Look-Back Change in Status Report”. This is a PDF report that is available per payroll run and shows any employees in a Measurement period who have completed their Initial Measurement or a Standard Measurement Period during that pay period.
If you want to look across a range versus each payroll, there is a dashboard called “ACA Benefit Eligibility”. This is found under Employee Admin Tools -> Employee Utilities -> Benefit Evaluation. This report allows you to see anyone who either gained or lost benefits eligibility based on their ACA Measurement period status.
The "Eligibility Date" in this case would be the same as the "Stability Period Start Date" on the "ACA Look-Back Change in Status Report"