Open enrollments support two types of messaging: a welcome message and email alerts. Please help us answer these questions to get open enrollment messaging set up.
Welcome Message
A welcome message is an optional feature that displays information to the user in iSolved when participating in an open enrollment. If you would like to add a welcome message to an open enrollment, please help us answer the following questions:
- Who should this welcome message display to? ex: Everyone; Corporate division only; External staff eligible for benefits
- What header & body text would you like to display?
- Are there any links to external sites?
- Are there any documents?
- Do you want the documents to show up on the specific benefit plan? Or on the entire open enrollment?
- Do the documents require acknowledgement?
Example Welcome Message - Mobile View

Email Alerts
An email alert is an optional feature that can automatically send out emails to employees when participating in an open enrollment. There are also email alerts that can be sent to iSolved client users (Management, HR administrators, etc) letting them know that an employee has submitted their benefit elections for approval.
If you would like to add email alerts to an open enrollment, please help us answer the following questions:
Initial Email
- What subject line & body text would you like to display?
- Who would you like to display as the sender?
Reminder Email
- What subject line & body text would you like to display?
- Who would you like to display as the sender?
- How many days before the open enrollment closes would you like the email to be sent?
- Fixed-date open enrollments can schedule reminder emails to be sent on multiple days
- New hire and life event open enrollments can schedule a reminder to be sent only once
Client User Email (pending approval notification)
- What subject line & body text would you like to display?
- Who would you like to display as the sender?
If you would like to use the following templates for your messaging, feel free to attach the desired documents in your correspondence with us.
Open Enrollments
- Open Enrollments: Welcome Message | Initial Email | Reminder Email
Ongoing Enrollments
- New Hire Enrollments: Welcome Message | Initial Email | Reminder Email | Pending Approval
- Life Event Enrollments: Welcome Message | Initial Email | Reminder Email | Pending Approval